Our connection was instant and we were soon going out to lunch regularly. In one of our conversations, I teasingly said to him that if I had a son when I was in High School (I know a couple of schoolmates who did) he would be his age; and from that day on, he started calling me dad and I called him son.
I unofficially adopted him (international adoption laws are too complicated and his parents are still alive 😊), and registered him on our soccer team to play with us. We went to bars after work sometimes (coke on the rocks for me please) and attended reggae concerts. We went to a cruise wedding and chased food trucks around town. I cooked him some domoda and he licked his fingers, and is now able to pronounce “domoda” better than many Gambians I know. It was fun times and a time well spent!
In 2016, he invited me to Berlin and we had a wonderful time. Then earlier this year, he sent me a message and said “dad guess what? Vida and I are getting married and would like you to be there if you can.” And I said “son, I will not miss it for the world.” So here I am back in Berlin for Vida and Enno’s wedding. My son (aka domi toubab) got married. 😊
What a wedding it was I must say! The ambiance was splendid and the people warm to perfection. There is no human connection bigger than love, and it was exhibited today in a majestic and memorable wedding. Congratulations to Vida and Enno on their wedding. It was definitely an honor for me to be here. Life is full of stories and we all have a story to tell, but love is the ultimate story and the most profound.